Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Committed! (Or should be...)

It's official! I've registered for SCWCLA7 this September 25-27, in Irvine! I slunked in under the wire for the Early Bard discount, and saved $75. Well, not being one to let good money lie fallow, I applied the savings to not one, but TWO Advanced submission readings. I submitted my 20-pager to Laura Taylor at SCWCSD23. This time (since its the same 20 pages) I sent it to someone else: Marla Miller and Jean Jenkins.

Marla got to hear my pirate session reading with Matt Pallamary (the one that I called "Utter Disaster"), but not the first 20 pages. Hopefully, she'll get a better sampling of my writing skills without my blathering mouth in the way.

So, between now and then, I'm moving, getting married, setting up a conference designed to save the world (seriously). Somewhere in there, I need to get some work done. Throwing money at the conference will help me stay committed. And if not, these nice men with the butterfly nets will help.

PS: Of course 'slunk' is a word. Slink, slank, slunk.
OMG! It IS! http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/slunk
Who knew?